We will begin our next trip on New Year's Day 2022! We have been working on Miss Tenn~A~Sea all year doing upgrades, maintenance, etc. to get her ready for the trip! We will cruise down to the Florida Keys and spend the month of February in the Keys before heading back up to Sarasota. We will stay in Sarasota/Bradenton area in March and will be bringing all the grandkids down on their Spring Break. Our plan is to be back in Tennessee by the first of May. We are excited about this journey, but also a little emotional about leaving our kids and grandkids for four months. My sister (Shelia) will be going with us and staying until mid February. She will also fly back with me in April to finish out the trip. I have planned to fly home once a month to be with the kids as well. I will post photos and details as often as I can.
