January 9 – 15, 2022
We ended up spending 6 days/nights at Kingfisher Bay Marina due to the recreational boat sinking in the Coffeeville Lock. Here is a recap of our week:
On Monday, we did a Facebook Live Video with a tour of our boat for our friends who have been following our trip. We were able to get some things completed on the boat (i.e. installing LED lights in the cockpit, washing the boat, etc.) during our stay at Kingfisher. The marina has a courtesy van and we were able to make a few trips out to Walmart to pick up things as we needed them. We made the best of the situation and just took this time to rest and relax after traveling every day for the past eight days. We walked over to the pool one day and it looks to be very nice. It is closed during the winter, of course. We snapped a few photos of our boat from the pool area. We also enjoyed time in the hot tub several nights.
The Coffeeville Lock had daily conference calls to update everyone on the situation with the boat and the plan to reopen the Lock.
On January 11th, they provided the following information:
-Recreational vessel sank in center of lock 100' below upper gate
-Captain reported hitting something 40 miles before lock, was unaware of any damage
-In silted area currently sitting upright and stable
-7 feet overhead clearance of main body of vessel
-No sheen reported currently, feared could disturb with gate cycle or traffic passing overhead
-Army Corps plant onsite Thursday/Friday
-Salvage crew onsite Friday
-Rig, lift, remove process through weekend
-Possible reopen Monday
-Update call Wednesday at 2PM
January 12, 2022
On the January 12th call, Coffeeville Lock provided the following information:
-Sunken rec craft remains stable on lock floor
-Still no sheen or environmental concerns
-Mobile District Plant now arriving Wednesday PM
-Salvage contractor arriving Thursday AM
-Inspection dive Thursday PM
-Friday AM begin 1-2 day rig and removal process
-Possible opening Sunday
-Currently 9 tows in que
-Follow up status call Friday Jan 14 @ 10:00 AM
January 14, 2022
-Crews on site, divers in water
-Plant ready to move into position to begin rigging sunken rec craft
-Should rig, lift, remove and reopen 2-3 pm today
-Daylight operations only
-Mobile District will issue nav notice upon opening
-16 tows currently in queue, 9 southbound and 7 northbound
-Closest northbound tows will proceed first
-Lockmaster will control the queue
-Rec traffic will await commercial queue clearance (Sunday?)
-Follow up status call at 3:00 pm today
3:00 pm follow up call:
The Corps was successful in salvaging the MV Pearl River from the Coffeeville Lock this afternoon. The vessel is out of the way now, setting in the parking lot. Commercial locking will resume at 1800 hours, as soon as the Corps’ floating plan clears the lock, with a northbound tow. The Corps expressed their appreciation for your patience, understanding, and assistance during this situation. In turn, the Warrior-Tombigbee Waterway Association appreciates the responsiveness and professionalism of the Mobile District and its contractors in resolving the situation and returning the waterway to service quickly in these unusually challenging times.
We left Kingfisher on Saturday morning around 6:30 a.m. We went through the Demopolis Lock with Miss Michelle (Tracy Roy) and another boat “Gypsy Soul” that was at the marina with us. We saw a bald eagle flying by today and passed under at railroad draw bridge. Someone on the "Great Loop" Facebook Group took a picture of us as we passed by and posted it to the FB group. It was pretty cool (see photo below.). We traveled 90 nautical miles today and made it to Bobby’s Fish Camp around 3:30 p.m. There was another boat at Bobby’s that had just left before we arrived and we were told they were able to lock through at Coffeeville Lock with no issues. Bobby’s Fish Camp has a small dock, but they provide shoreline power and also have fuel.

The pool area


Hot tub night

Our cool drink holder

Me and sis!

The drink holder changes colors

Sunrise leaving Demopolis

Demopolis Lock

This is like the ladder where the guy in the sinking boat had to climb to get out

Leaving the Lock (Miss Michelle)

The cascades by the Lock (they weren't as pretty this year with the river being flooded)

Miss Michelle (Tracy Roy)

Beautiful photo of the bald eagle

The railroad draw-bridge

This is the post by someone on The Great Loop

Coming into Bobby's Fish Camp

Bobby's Fish Camp
